Hi Seniors,
I am in peculiar situation. I applied in 2174, application received date is 12th june. Hopefully it should get processed in coming week. I wanted to make small correction in passport. My passport bears my surname appended to Given name in Given Name column leaving surname column blank. Also, i would like get spouse name endorsed on my passport, though my spouse's passport bears my name correctly. I am not able to decide shall i go ahead and get new passport with above corrections or let my application proceed with current passport.
If i choose to make corrections, then do i need to get new IELTS score card from BC and will it have any negative impact on my application if choose to change passport?
But if i don't make corrections, will i be able to make these corrections later once i get visa (atleast i should hope to get ....

Please guide me to make correct decision.
Thanks in advance.