Agreed. +1.varuen said:Sorry to be harsh, but just one word for you.
how can you rely on someone for this much serious matter?
Cant you had opted DD option?
You can not send DD to CIC now, they will not consider.
CIC will not send any email, they will take 3 attempts for the CC to be charged, if not succeed then they will return your file.
What you can do only is call CIC not even email as they will reply after 30 days. And talk about your issue
DD is anyways the safer option and even more so if one does not have credit card in own/spouse name. To rely on others for this big a matter was always going to be fraught with a big risk and this story of kolsi is actually a big lesson to understand the gravity of risk for all those people who have used or intend to use others' credit card for payments.