Let me try to explain why I am so aprehensive about this. And, in order to do that, let me explain things how they are. I have over 8 years of work experience though only my last job's responsibilities match any NOC currently being accepted this year. In fact, it matches 2 NOCs.
The name of my job within my company would be translated to "Logistics Coordinator, however, what I do is actually what a "Purchasing Manager" and a "Property administrator" do.
My employer has already wrote me a reference letter containing everything I do within the company (so responsibilities from both NOCs are in this reference letter).
Since I intend to apply to 2 NOCs, some people are suggesting that I have my employer split the reference letter into 2 different ones. One containing what is related to Purchasing manager and the other what is related to Property administrator.
I have questions when it comes to that as, in my mind, it could sound weird to CIC. You see, what if the same analyst that analyses one application gets to analyse the other one. He will hold 2 reference letters in his hand written by the same employer, about the same person (me), with the same job name (Logistics Coordinator) but with different job responsibilities... wouldnt that sound strange to you guys? I mean, wouldn't it be better to have everything in the same letter and the person analyzing it would only be like "Ok, what this guy does fit the NOCs description de is applying to, but I can see he does a lot more as well". Wouldnt that be better than splitting the responsibilities into 2 letters?