You can do following things before you apply :
1) Apply to Experion and get your credit history details;
2) Check if any debt collection agency has been appointed for recovery and if so, that should be there on your experian report;
3) Check if they have initiated any legal recovery ( Highly unlikely as your friend has travelled to another country, so they might not go in for this ) but check it
If there is no debt collection agency and no legal case filled, there is no risk, though ask him to approach all those agencies and settle the payments for his own interest;
If there is any debt agency appointed/legal case filled , then approach them and hire a debt resolution agency and settle your debt and get your records cleaned.
Hope this helps. If nothing is worked out, then this might create negative credit history in Canada if the debt agency is an international one and they locate the identity. So its is good to clear these issues through a settlement mechanism, even if their demands are undue, you can always fight through debt management agencies there.
vish.777 said:
Seniors please suggest a query from a friend of mine who doesnt want to reveal his identity here
the query is, he was a resident in the UK along with me for 4 years, however, due to an argument with a internet service provider he stopped paying the bills, and while leaving the country for good he also abandoned from paying his phone contract (which he anyways fulfilled the contract term, but dint cancel it so it went on) and also few utility bills.
now the credit history is badly hit, obviously.
he wants to apply for express entry but he is worried if CIC verifies credit history too of an applicant during the Background checks
Is it so? Do they check for such things too in the background checks??