Hi All,
You shouldn’t be always negative feelings on background verification.
From my own practical experience on verification of AUS citizenship application, there was one Bangladeshi guy came from AHC Dhaka (showed his ID card) to verify one of our ex-colleagues papers.
The person came to our office at Banani, Dhaka office and he checked that the applicant was working in our office or not. As per the front desk, the guy presented his own ID card to check some papers of one of employee’s information. Then front desk forward that person to me directly for further question. I didn’t know what exact information that person got from front desk however when I saw the our ex-colleagues reference letter which was not match 60% of his job role in our company and even the letter was issued date of signatory was not correct in that period of time but I was damn sure the sign was copied by someone because signatory was retired from the company more than a year of issuing letter date.
I was in very bad situation and I explained in details about his position and working process of our organization and he showed me other papers that also not matching with our company’s most of information. I couldn’t hide it because as a foreign company and I should inform as much correct as I can and signed back those papers as a counter of verify.
After six months later I found that ex-colleague left our country and he has settled down in Sydney, Aus.
So from my practical experience the verification can go always in positive way if there is nothing too much offence case in your job role against your reference letter.