=============== URGENT PLEASE =============
youfes said:

Hi Dears,
I've sent my file and received on 22 October .. Unfortunately, I discovered by chance that in my Generic form I wrote my name as the following
Family name: my fourth name , as usual
Given names : I wrote my whole name including the fourth name again mistakenly despite that I used my first three names only in the other forms and in all other papers .
I don't know what to do!!! I think it is such a stupid big problem !!
This was my post yesterday about my problem . I followed mr ashif_eee 's advice to send a letter in order to inform them with this mistakes and here's my cover letter which I'll send by tomorrow.
Please, If anyone could revise or suggest any modification , I will be so grateful.
Thanks in advance!
that's my cover letter:
Cover letter
Correction of Generic form
Federal Skilled Workers Program
NOC Category
Primary NOC 2011 Code: 3112
Main Applicant's Full Name : YOUSSEF ***** ***** ******
Family Name: ****** Given Names : YOUSSEF ***** ******
Date of Birth : *************
Passport Number : ********* Country: Egypt
E-mail Address : ***********
Application Received: 22 October , 2014 Signed by : Mr. Mike
Courier Tracking Number : DHL 23***********
Dear sir or madam,
I have sent my application with the above mentioned details and it was received on 22 October, 2014 . I discovered that I have done 2 unintentionlly mistakes regarding my generic form as the following:
(1) In the personal details field of the main applicant: I wrote
Family Name: ****** Given Names: YOUSSEF ***** ***** ******
Correction: My given names are ( YOUSSEF ***** ***** ) only which represent my first three names without (******) which represents my fourth and last ( family ) name as mentioned before. Apart from this mistake, my family and given names are written correctly in the other fields and forms.
(2) In the personal details field of my daughter as a dependent child: I chose
Dependent Type : Type A Dependant
Correction: The correct choice is : Type 1 , according to the last update in August , 2014
* As a result, I have attached the following documents along with this this cover letter.
1- a copy of my passport
2- the 2 papers which contain the mentioned mistakes in the previously sent generic form. These mistakes are underlined with a red colour.
3- a new generic form according to the last update in November 2014. This new one contain all the correct details.
- Kindly please, acknowledge me once this correction form is received or added to avoid sending another file.
* E-mail Address:************@gamil.com
* Telephone Number: **********
Yours faithfully,
Youssef ******
Signature, Date: 3 December , 2014