Hey guys, the first official update to the cap list has been made and as expected, the figures are ridiculously low and not an accurate picture of the complete applications received by CIC especially for the finance and IT related NOCs.

Check it out and pass your comments please http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/complete-applications.asp
At last CIC has updated the applications received thus far.
Some comparison with the link on capping in this forum(Warning to applicants-CIC numbers are at least 5 weeks back)
Selective NOC Codes for comparison
NOC Code
CIC Numbers towards capping Forum Numbers towards capping
1112 43 506
2131 5 277
2132 8 306
2171 5 284
2173 39 505
2231 5 159
Which report do you want to believe?CIC or forum numbers towards capping.
Please I will suggest that you act as fast as you can if and only if you want to be
counted within the 1000 limits per NOC number