Hi guys, just to applaud the team on this thread and appreciate all inputs and suggestions. Special thanks bjenike for helping out with a sample of ECA for OND/HND qualifications and also thanks to Deebruv for his analysis and mature candor. I appreciate everyone who is helping out on this thread by way of asking questions that make some of us run to get answers

and to those who help to provide solutions, direction, statistics and above all prayers.
It shall be well with us and all that concerns us. Please, we will be introducing a spreadsheet for 2014 FSW applicants from Nigeria. Similar to the global spreadsheet for 2014 FSW applicants, this one will be dedicated to Nigerian applicants, to help chronicle our timelines and track our progress. Our senior, Kollins will play lead consultant in designing and maintaining it while ksa will also be involved in maintenance and update of data on the sheet.
I would like you all to visit the sheet and supply your relevant data and please spread the word to other Naijas on the forum to log their 2014 data on the sheet. The link for the sheet will soon be published on this thread, hopefully before the week is out.
A wonderful week ahead to you all, God bless this dear family
Pipi's Husband.