Unto Him that is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we may ask or think of. Truly, there is nothing difficult for Him to do. I finally received PRV (ugwu leaf

) and COPR for me and my supportive spouse.
I want to thank God for finally giving me the graceful breakthrough and a story to share on this forum.
The journey all began in 2014, November 19 and came to a successful end on 18th May 2016.
The journey was so seamless until AVO requested for WAEC certificates etc in place of anticipated PPR mail, when PPR updates flooded the forum. I was truly confused but more in disarray when no response came in from this resourceful e-family. I felt like the end had come to Canada dream but the likes of PH, Kollins and Ed_b_good gave me their two cent and I was truthful with AVO to clear their doubt.
Finally, it has ended in praise and I thank you all for sharing your ideas and guiding us all. May God meet all our points of needs.
To everyone waiting for one update or the other, nothing is difficult for Him to do and surely at the appointed time, He will open the gates of updates.
Thank you all and God bless.
His grace endureth forever.