I am just going to this page here once again in hopes that I can understand and extract some useful information from it....
https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/redir.do?redir=app_perm_wrkr&lang=en&app=ecas......as usual, somethings about CIC and the way they work will keep bothering me till the time I've to deal with them.
Firstly, the page gives a table not a diagram [face palm]..........
Secondly, I wonder if they really mean 'steps' as if they are followed in exact sequence as mentioned. Of course, WITHDRAWN may not necessarily be at that step in the table. A flow chart would explain better.
Thirdly, what's the significance of using red, green and blue colors? Are they just random? Coz' I can't happen to find any legend or color association with any of their offices or any other logic in general.
Fourthly, I don't understand the difference between 'VO eligibility review complete' and 'In process'. If the former says '
The review of the application and supporting documents has been completed at the visa office. A letter with additional information has been mailed.' then why does the latter says '
Based on review of your complete application package, it has been determined that your application is eligible for processing.
Processing has begun.'
Or is this table just an abbreviation appendix like we have on our spreadsheet??
Ahh....forget about everything I wrote above. When AM I getting the COMPLETE status?
On the side note, I believe a few of us from CS, engineering and other streams, as soon as we get our PRs, should first be absorbed by CIC themselves. A lot needs to be streamlined there itself. For FSWP 2013+ programs, the whole process will become easier and transparent.