Hi Friends ,
I got reply for CIC after 1 month

its interesting ... However I sent another mail ...may be I need to wait another 20 working days .... lolz ..... I used my nick name by mistake ..
CIC reply :
Good Afternoon:
Information can only be provided to either the applicant or the authorized representative. It cannot be provided to staff from the same office.
Email is signed by "Titu".
Client Service Unit
Citizenship and Immigration
Centralized Intake Office
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
My mail to CIC :
Dear Sir,
I applied for canada in skilled migration category and my details are as below :
Last Name :Azad Khan
First Name:Mohammad Abul Kalam
Noc :0211 (Engineering Manager)
Application received :16.05.2013
Date of birth:XX.XX.XXXX
E mail Id: XXXXXXXXX @ yahoo.com
I did not hear anything yet from CIC.That's why I am really worried about my application.
May I know the status of my application?
Kind Regards,