If the application meets all the criteria of applicable
Ministerial Instructions, CIO will make a final positive determination of
eligibility for processing and:
put the application into process and inform the
applicant (Section 9.1); and
proceed with assessing the application against
minimum requirements (Section 10).
The processing fees are no longer refundable.
If it does not meet all the criteria of
applicable Ministerial Instructions, CIO will make a final negative determination of
eligibility for processing and:
record the outcome and reasons in GCMS;
initiate a refund of processing fees; and
inform the applicant (see Appendix A for
sample letter).
The application will not be returned to the applicant.
Note: In making a final negative determination of eligibility for processing determination, officers
should clearly state the reasons for their determination in GCMS.
9.1. Putting an application into process at the CIO
Following a positive completeness check and final determination of eligibility for processing under
Ministerial Instructions, if any, in place at the time of application, the CIO will:
create a file in GCMS;
enter “SW1-FED” in the Category field in GCMS;
cost recover the applicable processing fees and enter confirmation in GCMS;
record the GCMS file number on the paper file;
send an acknowledgement of receipt letter to the applicant informing them that their file has
been placed into processing and, if applicable, transferred to another office;
transfer the paper file to the processing office in accordance with existing file transfer policies;
transfer the electronic file to the processing office in GCMS by making that office the primary
office for processing.
PER is received here after FILE NUMBER IS GENERATED