mustaeem said:
Dear Reddevil,
I also am getting my inspiration by seeing your case. I have sent my application which was received on 29th July. But I missed my Background declaration form of my spouse to be sent with the application package.
I have resent this document with a cover letter on 1st of August and hoping that they attach the two packages and consider my application.
I really hope that you get your PER very soon and we who are in similar sort of situation also get theirs as well.
Please keep us updated with your status.
Thank you
khigal said:
I am also in the same situation my app reached on 13 June i mistakenly send photocopy of ECA then i send original which reached on 22 July .bt still waiting response from cic as reddevil says that he receives acknowledgment from cic so this is a positive sign for applicants like us well my best wishes r for every1 that we may get our per.
Hi, sorry about the late reply. I hope it works out for both of you. As for me, my case is not much of an inspiration as my CC is still not charged, neither have I been able to get information from the call centre that my application is being declined. So I left another email to CIO for a status update. I'm out of Dubai for a few days so I don't know if my application has been returned in the last week.
As for acknowledging my additional documents, that was more about asking additional details so they could try to merge them with my original submission. So they might not contact you if you provided all the complete details to help them trace your main application package.
I still have 108 pages to catch up to get to the current one on this thread along with whatever gets added when I'm reading the old ones. God help me when I take a break from reading and come back to see more added

catching up on a break is not easy!
As a downer, I identified another potential mistake that could have resulted in my payment not been processed and if that is the case then the application is surely on its way back. Though last night the call centre agent did tell me that as there is no record on the system, my application could still be under process, but I'm not too sure.