kondaveeti41 said:
Yes, no one knows that cap will be full with the first 300 applications that are passed successful initial review. But, there should be set up process to work with the applications when the NOC cap is about to be filled. The initial application process team may slow down when they know that cap is reached 270 or so, out of 300 apps. They may not want to blindly process all 1000 applications received before they realise the cap is full.
All of still waiting really are hopeful and want to believe that the cap for our NOC is not filled yet and that the overall cap will not be filled as at the time of considering applications submitted on the same date as ours. That will be one great thing to happen to us. We then can be content, glad and happy. ;D
But let me share what happened to my wife in FSW2011. Her documents were returned because the cap was filled. When we opened the documents, it had all the red pen ticks. Everything was alright but the cap.
I don't know if there is a different pattern of events/work plan in 2013, if the above is the same, then, it means there is a check (call it initial) of the documents before it is checked against the cap.
I also want to say the work plan is different this year, because back then, my wife was issued a UCI, which may not be the case for people who do not meet the cap this time around.
In all these things, while keeping fingers crossed and praying to God, we might just smile at the end.