Up to you folks whether to believe me or not. Believing me or not, it doesn't affect your current app status. Doesn't change the fact that my card was billed - unbelievable as it may seem.
I'm not playing on your emotions, i'm not raising your hopes or dashing your dreams away. If you believe you've earned the right to have a successful application and all it takes is 67 points and a quick jump on the queue, that is your opinion. That I think that the fine country deserves quality immigrants invited on their "merits" and not how fast they are on the draw, is what i'm thinking is one of the considerations that CIC has. Feel free to disapprove or disagree, just my humble opinion.
Mind you, regarding 67 points and being an early-bird submitter, what do you all think of section R76(3) of this document -> op06c-eng.pdf regarding negative substitution evaluation?

just curious.