Hey guys,
I have a query.
My file reached nova scotia on 4th of july with NOC 2132.
At that time, I had attached my credit card details for the fee to be deducted.
Later, I came to know after going through my net banking page on jan 19, that my credit card has beed deactivated by the bank without any notification.
After a lot of arguements with the bank people, I finally had to learn that they won't activate the old credit card at any cost.(HDFC Bank

So my consultants suggested me to arrange another credit card for the fee as I was expecting my file would be in the cap (tha's y it didnt come back till now. please correct if wrong.)
I sent them the another credit card attachment with the mail to intake office on jan 20.
Since then, I have been waiting for any communication from side.
Have put repetitive reminders and called no of times to their office but no use.
Now, I want to know ur suggestions plz.
What should I do?
One more query, can i put another noc which is not filled yet without my earlier package being returned from there.
As they are not responding at all, I wanna know is this legally ok to put another case from the same applicant without waiting for the first case to be responded.
Anyone, please suggest..... :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\