My Opinion
If it is determined that... the application meets the requirements
pursuant to R10, including the application
kit requirements in place at the time of
application receipt proceed to assess the application against
ministerial instructions (Section 9) -
no client ID yet, cap is calculated
IF the application does not meet the
requirements pursuant to R10, including
the application kit requirements in place at
the time of application receipt
return the application to the applicant as
The CIO will record in GCMS
(this is when u have a client ID if you are first time applicant) that an
application was received and returned to the
applicant, and will take no further action unless
a complete application, as outlined above, is
If the application... meets all the criteria of applicable
Ministerial Instructions
will make a final positive determination of
eligibility for processing and

ut the application into process and inform the
applicant (Section 9.1); (
this is when you get your client ID for the first time) and
proceed with assessing the application against
minimum requirements (Section 10).
At this point you would have been charged, cap is adjusted if you did not pass this process , hense explains the -1 update
Putting an application into process at the CIO
Following a positive completeness check and final determination of eligibility for processing under
Ministerial Instructions, if any, in place at the time of application, the CIO will:
create a file in GCMS; ur client ID
enter “SW1-FED” in the Category field in GCMS;
cost recover the applicable processing fees and enter confirmation in GCMS;
record the GCMS file number on the paper file;
send an acknowledgement of receipt letter to the applicant informing them that their file has
been placed into processing and, if applicable, transferred to another office;
transfer the paper file to the processing office in accordance with existing file transfer policies;
transfer the electronic file to the processing office in GCMS by making that office the primary
office for processing