sunlight11 said:
Now that was quite a detail analysis ... so let's say ppl have UCI and its showing "In Process" in the ECAS status, where do they fall then ?
I believe it is the third kind of UCI: that is an application that will received PER most probably, and they are waiting to charge the cc to enter it in the GCSM. Unless there is a problem in the payment. Please again take note that the cost recovery is mentioned in the third stage of processing.
It says
Following a positive completeness check and final determination of eligibility for processing under
Ministerial Instructions, if any, in place at the time of application, the CIO will:
•create a file in GCMS;
•enter “SW1-FED” in the Category field in GCMS;
•cost recover the applicable processing fees and enter confirmation in GCMS; (Please take note that it is in this stage that the cc/dd is charged/encashed.)
•record the GCMS file number on the paper file;
•send an acknowledgement of receipt letter to the applicant informing them that their file has
been placed into processing and, if applicable, transferred to another office;
•transfer the paper file to the processing office in accordance with existing file transfer policies;
•transfer the electronic file to the processing office in GCMS by making that office the primary
office for processing.