Guys I would like to share my situation in hopes of finding a solution to solve this problem.
In September, I submitted my application for the CSQ through the PEQ program with the french test result TEFaQ (Test d'évaluation de français pour l'accès au Québec). I got a double B2 for listening and oral. Later that month, I received a letter from the MIDI informing me that they would need more time for the verifications of my documents. In early October, I received an email from the organisation that provides this test. In the email, the MIDI demanded the organisation to redo the evaluation of my oral expression and the organisation has now decided to lower my grade from B2 to A2, which I do not understand why. And then, there is no further news from the MIDI.
To handle the situation, I wrote a letter to the MIDI to ask for a grace period so that I can retake the test and prove that I actually have a B2 level. I also attached the receipt of new TEFaQ that I was going to take on the 26 October. However, the MIDI has not responded to me. Anyway, I still retook the test and this time, I got a C1 for expression orale. I submitted the new result as well as an explanation letter including my file number to the MIDI last week and I even took another french exam TCFQ (still waiting for the result).
The exam that got downgraded was taken in April. I admit that my French was not that good in April and I was also surprised to achieve a B2. However, I have nothing to do with the evaluation part. I swear to god that I did nothing to modify the result or anything. I just took the exam myself. It was not me that gave myself a B2. I mean if I had known that it was not actually a B2, I would have retaken the exam until I could achieve a B2 but I did not know it.I did not bribe or cheat or anything. I have spent more than 2 months waiting for nothing. I simply do not know why I deserve to be punished that way. And now, I am stuck here with no news from the MIDI.
I just want to ask you guys a few questions.
1. If the MIDI has not officially required me to submit supplementary documents, am I allowed to submit extra documents myself like what I just did for the French exam result? Will they accept them?
2. I have already retaken the exam and submitted the most updated result. Do you think there is still anything I can do?
I have already done everything I could to correct the problem. I am just frustrated now. Does anyone have similar experience or know what I can do to deal with the situation professionally? Thank you in advance.