i'm john,i'm falling shortage of 2points out of 67..for PR...so i heard tht i can get points through french exam
"TEF"...is tht true..is tht easy??if not TEF..wht exam shold i do..IELTS had 3 times..so ielts cant...
i'm john,i'm falling shortage of 2points out of 67..for PR...so i heard tht i can get points through french exam
"TEF"...is tht true..is tht easy??if not TEF..wht exam shold i do..IELTS had 3 times..so ielts cant...
i'm john,i'm falling shortage of 2points out of 67..for PR...so i heard tht i can get points through french exam
"TEF"...is tht true..is tht easy??if not TEF..wht exam shold i do..IELTS had 3 times..so ielts cant...