For those who landed in Canada via road and went back to US the same day or after a few days (basically those in H1B or L1 status in the US), what
classification did you tick in Form B4? Settlers, or Former Residents?
I read here [] that we are not considered Settlers:
Who are considered Settlers?
Under customs legislation, Settlers mean all individuals who enter Canada with the intention of establishing, for the first time, a residence for a period of not less than 12 months.
It is important to know that the status of a person for customs purposes is not always the same as the person's status for immigration purposes.
For example,
Persons entering Canada to become Permanent Residents without the intention of residing immediately in Canada are not considered Settlers to Canada since they do not have any intention of remaining in Canada at that time, and will live outside Canada for an undetermined period of time. Therefore, under customs legislation, these persons are considered visitors to Canada, even if they are Permanent Residents for immigration purposes.
So, what are we, "Former Residents"?
Anybody who could answer -- thank you so much!