One question to the anti union crowd, this is maybe a morbid curiosity, but what 'ell...
What exactly is the complaint with unionized workers? Over and over I see, phrases like over paid, underworked, entitled, lazy, useless etc.
I work 40 hour weeks, with a minimum of another ten a week from home unpaid. Never complain, never ask for anything more than what has been bargained for, even though in the 24 years I have been with this Public Sector employer, I think I have now seen, 9 or 10 years with 0% raise. Most years a raise if it comes is around 2%, sometimes lower. Always below the cost of living.
I have watch public sector contracts be ripped up, and private multi nationals brought in that pay lower wages and less benefits, but cost more in the end, then they leave when there is nothing left to bleed out of the system. All the while the appointed boards overseeing these operations in ease their stipends and fees and wages and perks.
We see the same crap in the banking and big private sectors as well. We watch cash move hand over fist to bail out these same companies and concerns, but never a damned peep is said about that. Apperantly running the public trust into the ground and holding your hand out for a bail of and doing it again is ok.
But Holy s**t, and union person says enough, and demands fairness then out comes the lynch mob mentality. I am beginning to think some of the main opponents of unions here must be small (maybe mid sized) business people, and managers who profit to at least a small degree with the robber barons we have running the show now.
Maybe utopia, for the anti union crowd is everyone working, at 12 bucks an hour. 25 hours a week, three jobs, so what. Who do you think is going to be paying the taxes, buying the houses or cars or spending money that funds the things we take for granted in this country?
Maybe the union haters should learn about the history of Canada, and read up on events like the Winnepeg riots, from the first quarter of the last century, and see the simarigies between now and then, before engaging in the mindless spewing of the tripe that is comming forth now.
If there was ever a time when this country needed labour to stand up to government and business it is now, just as it was about a hundred years ago.
Sure as hell, the one doing the most bashing in this thread, are not the ones that are going not stand for their sisters or brothers, and have a social consiecnce that seems to extend no further than buy saving funds built around "ethical bonds" from the bank.
Canada was built on organized labour, and has one of the longest histories of it, in the free world. If you don't like it leave. Simple enough.
So with that said, here I sit in the same boat, sucking up the same extending waiting time, suffering the same set back due to this labour dispute. But unfortunately, I also have to endure the slings and arrows of the anti's, lets hope hope you never need a service either I, or one of my union brothers or sisters provide, because I would take great pleasure in making sure to extend that wait time for you as well, piss on me now, fine. But I will go out of my way to piss on you twice later. Work with me now, and get something fair for everyone, then we can work together tomorrow, and the day after as well.