Sita1987..Sita1987 said:It is absolutely not my place to feel offended dear. And neither am I trying to cover up my previous comments for WES!! (cover up..really is that what you felt from my me absolutely not)
I am trying to be rational here..if someone feels that only their masters is actual masters becoz they have done it from "the top-ranking" institute and rest others are from "general masters college" (whatever that means) I would like to clarify things that is all. My earlier post meant that you or me we can't decide which college is top ranking and which is not let us leave that to data and statistics. We are here trying to figure out if CES or any other organization can give us a better assessment rather the right one. And if WES has changed anyone's evaluation from existing one year graduate study to masters PLEASE LET EVRYONE KNOW (not a private message). In some earlier post someone mentioned that one of their friends got his/her education re-evaluated to masters from CES but again no further details.
Again I am stressing on the fact that we are here to help each other out not to prove right or wrong nor to prove whose masters is superior
And I PERSONALLY HATE WES AND WON'T EVER ADVICE ANYONE ELSE TO CHOOSE WES FOR ECA. Unless you are in a hurry coz as far as my understanding goes only WES gives ECA in 3 weeks time compared to CES which states 13 weeks as their standard required time...even ICAS takes a lot longer. That was the only reason I chose WES. Coz fees is not very different.
@ Can_US and Munjal: please I did not mean to sound defensive or take the side of WES. Why would I when I am myself a victim of WES's wrong evaluation. That is why I suggested you guys to opt for CES if time permits.
Yes, I agree with you that WES is taking very less time and that's the only reason for we applicants to prefer it.
But, whatever it may be, I am planning to do my ECA only from CES though it will take 13 weeks or so.
And to share with you
Wish you good luck for your PR application