okayyyyyyyyyyyy g theeek ahiii ....................
mai socheya hai 2000 cad naal lejan lai .....
theek ne ya edhe te v koi prob pai skdi ha.....
k 1000 hi le jawa
1000 Cash lai jaao, baaki TC.
hun mera question eh hai k mai 2000 toh waddh nhi le ke jaane ...mai 2000cad cash le jawa k es case ch menu TC bnauna pwega ...te tell me TC kinne k ch bn jaaanda te edhe kuch $ katt v hunde hune ne everytym jdo encash krde haa kite v like restaurents etc.
TC jaa kay bank ch jamma karra dio, koi paisa nai katdaay, and full money thoday account ch oseey time aa jaao gee. TC banvoan daa mainu naii lagdaa kee koi extra charges lagddey aa though I don't remember exactly
2) chalo cellphone blackberry hi sochdi ha ..te ettho hi laugi n obivously scheme nu dhayan ch rkjkh k ...incoming de v paise lagde ne ...hayeeeeeeeeee.......oyee rabba :O
its hell !

te naale contarct te phone len lai ta CREDIT card chaihida ..oh kitho milu te kinne da milu ......
Credit card nai chihdaa hundaa contractual phone connection lain lai ( again wrong info), sirf proof of residence chahida hunda like your record of landing, lease agreement, etc, so that they can confirm that u r genuine buyer and your billing address is right. Bank account jiddo khuldaa hai-otheey he credit card lai apply kar daai daa (ethhey personal bankers hundaay aa, jehdeey thodaa sarra kum aap kar kay daen gay, tusee sirf sign karnney aa)
3)je bank account free ch khulda hai te oh v 0 $ te i dun have any problem in opening it ........
n i ll also prefer RBI
RBC not RBI.
4) Hun sab toh main question yaaaaaad aaagay .a..its very importnt question ..........
suppose mai toronto aa k cellpho v le leya ,laptop v le leya ,,cellphone leya contract wala....te utto bank account v khula leya ...suppose je ami apne 8 mnth course toh baad PROVICNE change krna hoeya ...like je mai SASKETCHEWAN shift hona hoeya ..den wot baout contract basis cellphones te ohdiya schemes...te tell me ki Travel cheque sare provinces ch chalda hai ya toronto ch hi challu sirf ....
If aglii province ch oh compnay dia services hai taan ( like Big compnies are everywhere) then Without any charges and any delay; eak phone karan tay (or online) thodaa Number change hoo jay gaa, and thonu os province daa local number mil jaao gaa. Contract ohee exist kardaa hai, kuch change nai hundaa. Student lai differnt schemes hundia, which are very good. Like no contract( or maximum yearly contract instead of 3 yr), unlimited international messaging etc. So patta kar lio, good scheme. TC kittey v chalddey aa, but I don't know y u wanna keep those Tcs with u, just deposit them in Bank and then use your ATM/Credit card any where in North America. N bank account throughout Canada ch chaldaa hai, branch change karan dee laud nai hundee. Online banking hai saari, or kiseey v Branch tay jaao( anywhere) they treat same everywhere.
ik hor gall chete aaaayi ...happy DiwaLi to u n yur FamilY ...cuz india ch aaj hi diwali hai

khush rho ...!!!!
Thanks and stay blessed, Happy Diwali!