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Fled from Abusive Sponsor


Star Member
Jan 31, 2006
:D Meegwetch (Thank you). I am used to handly people far worse than him. I am also a Paralegal and very good in court. I never have lost a case in Immigration. Of course I specialize in certain areas but not in investing, am not interested in that. I don't pretend I know everything but what I work in I do know and I haven't had a case refused..yet. I am very good at what I do. I'm a perfectionist. I have been doing this for quite a few years. I hate losing..so I make sure all is perfect to win. I'm 62 yrs old so I don't think a young wolf is going to scare me or get the last word. :lol:


Star Member
Jan 4, 2005
Well for someone who claims to be a paralegal to not know what a husband is legally required to do or not seems rather strange to me.

A husband is not required to support his wife. No law requires that. A husband or Father is not required to support his children UNLESS he has been taken to court and the court has awarded the Mother CHILD SUPPORT. Child support is not Alimony. Yet you seem to thing both are one and the same thing feather.

To suggest to someone in the OPs position that her husband has to support her is ludicrious. He doesn't HAVE to do anything right now.

I'm sure your intentions are good but quite frankly I think you are stating too many opinions as if they were facts when in fact they are only your opinions.


Jan 31, 2006
oh my lord! i called immigration and talked to an agent and they said sponsorship can be withdrawn any time b4 permenant residence card is in your hand. What am I going to do? i cannot afford a immigration lawyer and my 2 yearold daughter is a canadian citizen. In 2 hrs i go to court for custody for her! I am sooo scared what do i do if i cant afford an immigration lawyer? they get to send me away without my daughter?....I think i am gonna be sick!


Star Member
Jan 31, 2006
:) Take it easy. What they said is not true. If the papers have been signed and he signed it and it has been accepted, it cannot be withdrawn. I have lived the experience myself. I had sponsored my husband and for reasons to me I wanted to withdraw it..Too late they told me, once it is accpted you can undo the sponsorship.

:) It is free to have a lawyer in your case for the court tomorrow and also for an immigration lawyer. As you have no income, the gouvenment pays for you. Where are you living at the present in Canada?

:) Do you have a lawyer for tomorrow and who is accompanying you? Do you have any witnesses. Did you make a complaint to the police as there supposed to be 2 policeman to guard you when u go to court? You have not answered my previous questions about if u filed a complaint. The women's shelter is supposed to advise you to get a lawyer. I am surprised that they havent told you your rights to a free lawyer.

:) If it is proven that your husband is abusive the courts will let you have custody and here in Canada the court favors the women especially if a young child as they know that a child needs its mother and you will be at home to care for your child.

:) Be completely truthful. Tell the judge exactly what is happening and since when and what he does to you and go into detail if he hits you and what does he do when he hits you, with his fists, with a stick etc. You dont say just he hits me..you say exactly what he does to you and how..this is just an example. Write to me in private and tell me.

:arrow: Am waitng for you to write to me...


Jan 31, 2006
Okay, I went to court, Hubby/sponsor and I have joint parenting and the order is that the child's residence must always be in Calgary.That where I am in a woman's shelter So I am in a woman's shelter and I now have joint custody of my daughter. My lawyer(aquired by legal aid) says she highly doubts that immigration would boot me out becuase it would be cruel to my daughter. The shelter I am at has a immigration lawyer that works for legal aid as well. So the couselor here told me worry about getting into second stage shelter first. But if need be they will get me hooked up with an immigration lawyer.

I am sorry if i seem overly panicky about this but I uprooted myself and my son from the state of Massachusetts to be with my sponsor. I truly loved him when i married him, and thought for sure he was my soulmate. And now here I am in this shelter, with my two kids terrified, angry, sad and confused. It wasn't supossed to be this way. And yet here I am. One of the reason i left was also because the mistreament of my son. My husband totally shuned my son.

I do now have a lawyer for these custody proceedings thank god, because the truth is,I know nothing of canadian laws hence my husband beat me to Interium Custody Order. I love my children fiercely and I left my sponsor to prevent anymore emotional damage to my children and to myself. Now I am reassured that I will not lose custody of my 2 yearold daughter(sponsor has no interest in my son whatsoever)I am feeling better.
Well the agent from the call centre was not very helpful, but she did say that a withdrawal of sponsorship was not in my records and that i needed to call the Calgary office and have them do a query on it. Well I sent them a URGENT labeled fax asking them to look into it and gave them my contact info and fax # here at the shelter so that they can fax me back. That was on monday, its wednesday and I have yet to get a fax back.


Star Member
Jan 31, 2006
:) Good, now we have 1st round, you still can contest the custody with all you have been saying. It is simple, they just have to have the children in a room with a two-way mirror, where they can see him but he can't see them and the judge can be in the room with the children to see how they will react when they see him. You can request that to your lawyer, to show that he isn't what he portrays and that it would be subjecting the children to pyschological damage.

:) Yes the joint custody does protect you in a sense to have you booted out..but if they did it would not only be mental cruelty to the children but to you too, so there is no winner here and like I said, the judges are more in favor for the childrend to stay with the mother and the fact you are in a shelter proves it..now, you have to get the lawyer to convince the judge to do this if the children are afraid of him they will react when they see him.

:) Or the lawyer can contest the joint custody on the grounds that the father doesn't care for the children and that it would be harmful for the children and that it should be ordered that when the children are of age to reason themselves, they will make their own decision and you can ask for a pyschologist to evaluate the children. How old are they? Now your immigration lawyer can help you with this by refering a lawyer who specailizes in children's welfare and can represent the children as their lawyer. It can be done.

:( Now I need to know exactly what he did for you to have left and also to the children.

:) It is normal to panick when you don't know the law. Not many people know it but we have good laws here to protect women and children. What you need is a lawyer who has the reputation of winning these kind of cases. And don't worry about being booted out. Your immigration lawyer should handle all of that, it is better for him as they will see you have representation and will wait the outcome.

:) So I am waiting for you to answer me.


Aug 4, 2005
Hi Tabasco73:

If you haven't received a fax back from the local immigration office yet, they you could physically go to Harry Hay's building in downtown Calgary, and enquire your case. They do have an immigration office in there. It is only 3 blocks from the 3rd stree SE C-Train station.

Sorry to hear about your case, I'm sure there are enough Canadian laws to work in your favor.

good luck


Star Member
Jan 4, 2005
I think that you are going beyond the intend of this forum dancing feather and are taking too much upon yourself in regards to advising this woman as to what she should do. To start making statements like, "Now I need to know exactly what he did for you to have left and also to the children.", is going beyond what should be discussed with a stranger on a public forum.

Tabasco, get a lawyer, listen to your lawyer. Do not take advice in something as serious as your current situation from a stranger on an internet forum.


Star Member
Jan 31, 2006
:D I am sure she is intelligent and can write to me in private and who are you to tell me what to do. I already to her to get a lawyer so I dont need a parrot to repeat what I wrote.

:) who are you to judge what is appropriate or not on this forum? Are you the Webmaster. They verify all the time what is written on here and erase whatever they think isn't appropriate.

:( Now her case is also an immigration case, that involves thousand of women in her situation. You don't seem to like women very much and you are not experienced to give any comment on the subject. I have the experience as I have dealt with many cases as such. So when you comment at least dont be a parrot and if u cant give any fresh advice then be quiet as a mouse.


Star Member
Jan 4, 2005
OK that's it feather head. I've had enough.

I don't know what your problem is.

Given your poor grasp of the English language as shown in your posts and some obvious misinterpretations and writing of opinions as if they were facts, I wouldn't suggest to anyone that they listen to your advice.

Tabasco, my concern is for you. I urge you to talk with your lawyer at this point, and NO ONE ELSE. This is a forum to answer questions about the immigration process. Your situation has gone well beyond that and this is certainly not the place to get advice on things like Canadian law and child custody. I don't know who this feather character is but I have read nothing that would indicate to me that she is either an accredited (by CIC) immigration consultant or a practicing Canadian lawyer. I have definitely read some posts in which she has misunderstood the point of a post or question and has given not just questionable advice but definitely incorrect advice.

I am not a consultant or lawyer but I am an intelligent, knowledgeable Canadian. I would not put any weight on what is said by some stranger who basically seems to want to tell you how to go about dealing with your lawyer, the courts and your spouse.


Star Member
Jan 31, 2006
:D First of all my name is Dancing Feather and I am not a character but a very beautiful human being who helps her fellowman.

:D Her being in the shelter IS relevant to IMMIGRATION and is intertwined with it. I already TOLD her to get a LAWYER and there are different AVENUES that the LAWYER can take. All depends on what her husband is saying but what he is doing IS trying to get IMMIGRATION to boot her out.. so her SITUATION in the SHELTER is part of her case of immigration.

:) You are telling her to listen to NO ONE ELSE but her lawyer..yet you are part of the NO ONE ELSE..since you are giving her advice that was already given AND she does have a lawyer. Are you the webmaster to judge what is relevant or not? Everyone has a right as you have to want information..if her case was not tied to immigration, then I would have told her to see a lawyer that specializes in ABUSE..but I did say if you read properly..that some immigration lawyers are also sometimes good in abuse cases..if not I said then he should know someone who is.

:wink: Therefore instead of parroting on what others say. Now you say I am not on the CIC..or maybe a lawyer..I do not have to tell you who I am..but tell me..are you a consultant or a lawyer to give any advice?

:wink: So you have had enough of what? Not used to someone who stands up to you? You will have a difficult time to over ride me as I am way beyond you and people like you I deal with everyday.. :lol: