i want to visit canada for 6 months along with my month old baby. i just have a friend there in toronto no blood relations. i visit her too but will stay in hotel or some hostel.. basically im just visitng for relaxng and havng a break.
i dont do job. was doing mphil in pakistani uni but freezed my programmed because of pregnancy so m still enrolled in program here. i have no travel history so far this is frst time. my husband, my in laws parents and my parents all are here and have jobs.
kindly guide me about every thng. how much funds i need and where to show thm for 6 months stay. plus my parents said they will transfer more if i needed.
plus do i need to go to any consultancy agency or i can myself apply for visa too. what i need to say that will convince them that i will return by end.
please kindly help me.
i want to visit canada for 6 months along with my month old baby. i just have a friend there in toronto no blood relations. i visit her too but will stay in hotel or some hostel.. basically im just visitng for relaxng and havng a break.
i dont do job. was doing mphil in pakistani uni but freezed my programmed because of pregnancy so m still enrolled in program here. i have no travel history so far this is frst time. my husband, my in laws parents and my parents all are here and have jobs.
kindly guide me about every thng. how much funds i need and where to show thm for 6 months stay. plus my parents said they will transfer more if i needed.
plus do i need to go to any consultancy agency or i can myself apply for visa too. what i need to say that will convince them that i will return by end.
please kindly help me.