my employer told me already that they will process my ainp nomination,i heard that i can include also my dependent children for this, I am married woman but we decided verbally to separate because i found out that she had a woman already in the phillipines im wondering what are the requirements that my daughter needed if in case that i include her on my application?Is it possible not to include his father in my apllication since he dont like it and he choose his mistress already..
looking forward the answer regarding with these matter .i have no idea actually how is the processing for the ainp..with my special case
my employer told me already that they will process my ainp nomination,i heard that i can include also my dependent children for this, I am married woman but we decided verbally to separate because i found out that she had a woman already in the phillipines im wondering what are the requirements that my daughter needed if in case that i include her on my application?Is it possible not to include his father in my apllication since he dont like it and he choose his mistress already..
looking forward the answer regarding with these matter .i have no idea actually how is the processing for the ainp..with my special case