Thanks for the nth time din...hahaha. Ok lang yan, we've been waiting in silence for a long time, as if we're holding our breath for the ppr to arrive then the passports. Now we are just shouting for joy...
Thanks! I wish for the same... I sent our passports via DHL. In a medium-sized brown envelope, I placed the following:
1. the 2 passports (mine & my son's)
2. form 'appendix A'
3. 2 very small brown envelopes containing 2 photos each (specs are in the app. B)
As instructed, I affixed the barcode label at the outside back cover of each passport. That's it.
I received them back via DHL also. Aside from the passports, the package included the documents that they returned (TOR, police clearance, diploma, bank cert., etc.). They also returned the 3 photos in a small brown envelope that we sent together with the initial application. I wonder why

It also contains a letter from the embassy, the form 'Confirmation of Permanent Residence', immunization record form and instructions from CFO on how to register for their pre-departure seminars.
They did not return my birth cert., marriage cert. with annulled annotation, NBI clearance, the notarized copies, my brothers' birth cert. and copies of their Canadian identification, cert. of graduation and IELTS report form.