andreavonn said:
hello po ask lang po sana aku u lit if the vo requires the original copy of the diploma, prc and tor?
and do we have also to show the work experience of the the accompanying spouse?/.. thank u
Based on the VO specific intructions:
copies of certification of completion and the graduation degree, diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university;
certified true copies of transcripts of all degrees; and
copies of professional qualifications certificates (e.g., Engineer, Accountant, Registered Nurse, Physician, Teacher, Architect etc.)"
although it does not specifically require, it would be best, though, to submit the originals if you have extra, just like what I did. Or if not, submit certified true copies, taking careful consideration of CIC's certification guidelines, below:
To have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:
* “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”
* the name of the original document
* the date of the certification
* his or her name
* his or her official position or title
* his or her signature
People authorized to certify copies include the following:
In Canada:
* a commissioner of oaths
* a notary public
* a justice of the peace
Outside Canada:
* a judge
* a magistrate
* a notary public
* an officer of a court of justice
* a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the person is living
Lastly, CIC requires the employment contracts and employment certificates/letters of reference of the
principal applicant only.
I hope you get insights from this.