For those waiting for meds request and/or planning to have their medical exam soon, let me share this experience with you
hubby and I just had our medical exam at nationwide yesterday, july1. went to nationwide mga 9:30 after eating breakfast at chowking. At nationwide, we were asked to fill up the forms (ang dami!) and asked to wait until its our turn for physical check-up (which is the 1st part of the med exam). I really suggest that you go to nationwide early because some who arrive after us had to go back after lunch for their blood tests (hehe, naabutan sila).
For the physical exam, the doctor took my weight and height then asked me to go inside the little room for physical check up. In there, first, i was asked several things about my medical history..things that are listed/noted in the form, like if i had/have DM, HPN, Kidney-related probs, or if i have relatives who are undergoing/undergone dialysis, and the like. Then after the questioning (which are, BTW, just answerable by yes or NO), i was asked to undress.. i took off my clothing and bra (except panty) then the doctor did some inspection. I think he examined the symmetry and try just wanna make sure that I never had any surgeries or that i dont have any serious skin problems. The doctor also did some palpation in the breast, lymph nodes, neck and stomach while i was lying. The procedure was fast and simple. It took about 10-15 minutes. After that, i put on my clothes then was asked to pee for urine sample. I was glad my urine was crystal clear. haha as far as im concerned.
After the urine collection, we waited until its our turn for the blood extraction. It took about few seconds for the blood extraction then another few minutes for the check-xray. really, the procedure was so simple and fast. After that, at exactly 12 noon, we were told to eat and be back after lunch for the result. We ate then waited (longer than the procedure) for the result only to find out that they wont be giving any details about the result. They just told us that for now they didn't find anything that will require us to undergo any further/additional tests... that they will notify/inform us in 2-3 weeks if we will be needing those additional tests. hay.. if we only knew. But i couldn't complain.. im more than happy tohave finished the med exam
so another long waiting has began

sinong makakasama ko?