Hello fellow nurses im a newbie here.
and i just recently forwarded my application to cno.
Just want to share and know your thoughts about the revised regulation that will take effect on jan 2013.
EVIDENCE OF RECENT SAFE PRACTICE WILLBE REDUCED FROM 5 YEARS TO 3 YEARS. Applicants should be able to register before the above mentioned expires. If not met after passing the exam, to meet this requirement, we need to do additional education. Evidence of recent practice can be accepted in 2 ways : graduate from rn program and total of 1125 hours in nursing.
http://www.cno.org/en/become-a-nurse/new-applicants/international/requirements-for-becoming-a-nurse-in-ontario/requirement-2/ CURRENT REGULATION
http://www.cno.org/what-is-cno/regulation-and-legislation/registration-regulation/applicants/ REVISED REGULATION