hello everyone!
makikijoin ako sa group...
as a short intro cpa din ako sa pinas, graduated 2006, arrived here in canada in dec 2013. i am planning to pursue cga or cma.

with the ongoing merge of cga/cma/ca to cpa, meaning kahit ano itake eventually it will lead to cpa pa din or may required na exams pa din from cga/cma to cpa?
still thinking which one to take either cga or cma...hehe may i ask alin sa 2 mas marami matransfer na credits?

nagemail ako sa cma abt transfer of credits. (free assessment daw kasi pero wala pa kong feedback from them; pag nagpaassess daw kasi sa cga may bayad so inuna ako magask sa cma).
sweet thanks!
Hi snow white, what is your current job in canada? What i heard is that CGA is vastly inferior to CA and newly launched CPA. CMA is a good designation