For my Common Law Statuory documentation, I am providing the document checklist
plus the following:
1. all forms required as per the document checklist:
IMM5589 (document checklist itself)
IMM5406 X2
IMM 5669 X2
2. 10 pictures
3. rent agreements
4. T1 line 150
5. CRA notice of assesment
6. CRA form that I state I am in common Law
7. phone bills
8. insurance benefits
The thing is that is the file is so big (almost 70 pages) that is was 19MB big, and after 5 compressions method I was able to decrease the size to 5MB which is still not enough, but at this point some documents are completely unreadable.
I am thinking into spiting it into half, and upload the rest into the general Letter of Explanation, but I wanted to hear other ideas, maybe I am uploading too many documents that are not required for CEC?
Please help, this is getting so frustrating...
plus the following:
1. all forms required as per the document checklist:
IMM5589 (document checklist itself)
IMM5406 X2
IMM 5669 X2
2. 10 pictures
3. rent agreements
4. T1 line 150
5. CRA notice of assesment
6. CRA form that I state I am in common Law
7. phone bills
8. insurance benefits
The thing is that is the file is so big (almost 70 pages) that is was 19MB big, and after 5 compressions method I was able to decrease the size to 5MB which is still not enough, but at this point some documents are completely unreadable.
I am thinking into spiting it into half, and upload the rest into the general Letter of Explanation, but I wanted to hear other ideas, maybe I am uploading too many documents that are not required for CEC?
Please help, this is getting so frustrating...