My fiance is getting ready to apply for a student visa in Montreal Canada to study at Mcgill for Certificate of Proficiency in French
She has a bachelor degree in Fine Art and Design by computer.
She works for an international Design company in Kenya, who have clients all over Africa and Europe.
Many of those clients are french and her french is limited, which limits her in her work of field and advancement in her compa
She registered and got accepted in Intensive French Program: Certificate of Proficiency in French in Mcgill
She paid for the first 2 semester, with proof of payment
She also did the TOEFL and got a score of 8.2
I will provide her with a letter that for the duration of her staying in canada, that I will provide shelter, food and accommodation with a letter of my employer and salary.
She also has a letter from her father that he will help her financially, with bank statements.
She has a bank summary showing she has more then enough to pay and support herself for that 1 year program, also she has a letter from the bank saying she does indeed has that money in her saving account.
She has a letter from her job, describing her job titles as an artist designer and dealing with clients
I made a strong SOP stating why she choose Mcgill and Montreal.
I've been reading a lot on this website and many people get rejected because their chosen program is not related.
I am wondering What are her chances.
I am also wondering if she has better chance if I marry he, because I myself am a Canadian citizenr or on the contrary she has less chances ?
Please advise
Thank you for your input
My fiance is getting ready to apply for a student visa in Montreal Canada to study at Mcgill for Certificate of Proficiency in French
She has a bachelor degree in Fine Art and Design by computer.
She works for an international Design company in Kenya, who have clients all over Africa and Europe.
Many of those clients are french and her french is limited, which limits her in her work of field and advancement in her compa
She registered and got accepted in Intensive French Program: Certificate of Proficiency in French in Mcgill
She paid for the first 2 semester, with proof of payment
She also did the TOEFL and got a score of 8.2
I will provide her with a letter that for the duration of her staying in canada, that I will provide shelter, food and accommodation with a letter of my employer and salary.
She also has a letter from her father that he will help her financially, with bank statements.
She has a bank summary showing she has more then enough to pay and support herself for that 1 year program, also she has a letter from the bank saying she does indeed has that money in her saving account.
She has a letter from her job, describing her job titles as an artist designer and dealing with clients
I made a strong SOP stating why she choose Mcgill and Montreal.
I've been reading a lot on this website and many people get rejected because their chosen program is not related.
I am wondering What are her chances.
I am also wondering if she has better chance if I marry he, because I myself am a Canadian citizenr or on the contrary she has less chances ?
Please advise
Thank you for your input