jihems said:
I have followed his comments and see that none is reasonable at all.
If you've followed my comments and you found none to be reasonable, then the only explanation is that you don't possess even a little intelligence.
Canada has 10% of its people not working right now.
So let's bring in another 260,000 MORE people to add to the problem.
But you don't see that as a reasonable argument? Then the only question remains: are you stupid by chance, or by choice?
jihems said:
He is here to divert your attention completely.
Divert attention from WHAT? The lawsuit is over - the arguments have already been made in court. The only thing left to do is wait for the decision. How am I DIVERTING anybody away from that??
jihems said:
You better remain focused to the believe that you will win your case
Yeah...that's right...because focusing really really hard will increase the chances of a victory. :

Maybe if ALL the litigants closed their eyes really tight and all started chanting at the same time, then it will somehow seep into Judge Rennie's brain and will convince him to rule in your favor.
Honestly, sometimes the level of nonsense and ignorance being displayed here is staggering. And you have the audacity to call ME jobless when you're able to make THOSE kinds of utterly ridiculous comments? How can you ever expect to come to Canada and find a job if you're THAT stupid?
Yeah...let's remain focused...and then we're sure to win the case. :