Hello, so I don't want to give you any hope, we don't know what to expect either. We sent all the documents to be proces for the CQ in jan 21 in Alberta , the fee was $450. Then we contact immigration Alberta and we asked them if it is enough to apply for FST just with that letter, the answer was positive. We received the evaluation in April ( end of April , so it took 3 months for the proces, they contact my husband employers and they had a lot of questions) . So we have a year to get in canada, find an employer and schedule the exam.
Based on the answer that we got from immigration alberta, and on this sentence that is on the application guide(Recognition of qualifications and issuance of licenses can generally only be completed once in Canada.), we wrote a explication letter. We sent our immigration application in may 1st, they recive it on may 8th.
We will let you know if they will approve the application
Good luck to everyone.