Si vous avez un status implicite vous pouvez contacter Buffalo pour leur dire que vous etes encore au Canada mais légalement grace au status implicite et leur expliquer ce que cest:
Voila un email q j'ai reçu de CIC en avril qui pourrait vous aider. Demander a CIC rep. de vous envoyer un email qui présente et explique lle status impliciite. Imprimez-le et aussi la page qui concerne l'OP section 24. Ca devrait suffir pour prouver ce que vous dites. Puis avec les autres preuves que armin a mentionné envoyez le tt a Buffalo par fax ou par poste.
Please do not reply to this email.
Date: 2011-04-18
Sir, Madam
Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. I am pleased to provide you with the requested information:
As a temporary resident, if you send your application for an extension of your authorization to remain in Canada at the latest on the expiry date of your status, you will be considered in status as a temporary resident until a decision is made on the application. This is known as an Implied Status.
If you hold a work permit or a study permit, you can continue working or studying under the conditions of your previous permit if you have applied to extend your stay in Canada under the same category. However, if you have applied to extend your stay under another category, you must stop working or studying.
If you leave Canada while under implied status, you may be authorized to:
1) re-enter Canada as a temporary resident, if the Case Processing Centre (CPC) in Vegreville, Alberta, has not yet made a decision on your application to extend your work/study permit. Please note that you will not be permitted to work/study until you receive your new permit. You must satisfy the officer at the port of entry that you have sufficient means of support. This applies if you:
-are temporary resident visa (TRV) exempt;
-held a valid multiple-entry visa before leaving Canada; or
-travelled only to the United States and/or St.Pierre and Miquelon;
-re-enter Canada as a worker/student, if the officer at the port of entry determines that your application to extend your work/study permit was approved by the CPC while you were outside Canada;
2) apply for a new work/study permit at the port of entry provided you have the right to do so under the Regulations.
For more information on implied status, please see OP 11, section 24 of the Operational Manuals.
The Internet links below will provide you with more detailed information:
Description: Overseas Processing - see OP 11, section 24
Description: Eligibility to apply for a Work Permit as you enter Canada
Description: Eligibility to apply for a Study Permit as you enter Canada
The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. It is a summary of the information contained in the law. If you plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our Web site to ensure that you have the most current information on our programs and policies.
For any further questions, please visit our Web site at or contact our Call Centre at 1 888 242-2100 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time).
If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, or you have a speech impediment and use a text telephone, you can access the TTY service by calling 1 888 576-8502 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time).
Don't forget about CIC's other on-line services:
-Download application kits and forms
-Inform us of a change of address
-Learn the status of your application.
-Tips for clients.
Agent #3713
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Please Note The information provided may change without notice. If there is conflicting information between the text in the email and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Citizenship Act or their regulations, the Act and/or Regulations prevail. This email was sent to you in the language of your choice. CIC Internet information is available in both official languages. The masculine form is used for convenience, it refers to both men and women.