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February 2020 Spousal sponsorship Outland


Star Member
Aug 23, 2020
Yeah I wanted to fix that and the stats table only reading the first 120 lines. Now its nuts. the stats table is at the top? half of its gone and the one that is there doesnt work at all anymore. we might need a new tab
Haha true they state table, tried to fix that too! I wouldn't suggest a new tab, I could honestly just fix the current one but no admin rights, we'll see...


Hero Member
May 31, 2019
You are privellaged ;)
This is the other issue I was going to address. This comment was directed at a principal applicant from Australia, and you have made quite a few remarks about applicants from visa exempt countries and their 'privileges,' including the ability to travel on an eta. You've also made many misinformed comments, some of which have been deleted by the moderators, which will ultimately make you lose credibility on the site. Just because the PA comes from the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and various other visa exempt countries, it does not automatically mean a speedy application and a golden ticket into Canada. There are many applications even from these countries that have taken more than twelve months for various reasons, including the inability to provide enough tangible evidence that the relationship is genuine. You don't seem to have an accurate idea of what an application processed in less than six months looks like. While nobody can say with 100% certainty why some applications are processed so quickly and others are not, by studying those that are we can gain some insight into the possibilities as to why.

Keep in mind, COVID 19 is our reality right now. It is highly unlikely that anybody, regardless of what country you are from, will have an application processed in three months. It's simply not going to happen right now. With regards to below, one or a couple of these things may not necessarily help speed up an application, but viewing them collectively as a whole, you can see how certain applications can make it through the system faster than others.

I am a Canadian citizen by birth and my husband (the PA) is a New Zealand citizen by birth. Our Outland application was received in Sydney on June 17, 2019 and our application was processed in 109 days. Our entire application was between 100 and 150 pages from front to back. These are points to consider:

1. Length of relationship: My husband and I were only married for three months at the time of our application, but we were together for 8 years before applying. As a result we had plenty of quality documentation clearly showing the evolution of our relationship over 8 years from meeting online, to in person, to living together, to married in that order. That included solid evidence of living together consecutively for two years at the same address, which was not even required for a married couple.

2. Visa Office: Some move faster than others. Simple as that. Pre-COVID Mississauga was considered the fastest for processing time. Our application was transferred to Mississauga for processing, and the final PPR stage done in Sydney, Australia. Again, we fell into the simple and straightforward application category, which this Visa office typically handles.

3. Request for additional documents: At no time were we ever asked for additional documentation or an interview. Anytime you are asked for additional information it's adding time to your clock. By the time you receive the notice they have to wait for you to get back to them with the info they required and then they have to revaluate. The more this happens, the more the clock keeps ticking.

4. Background/Security checks: This is always going to be faster from USA, Commonwealth, and visa exempt countries with close ties to Canada. It's much easier for them to verify and receive reliable information. My husband had only ever worked in New Zealand and Canada. Therefore he only required an NZ police check and a Canadian one that was done on his behalf. The more countries you live and work in, the more they have to go digging for reliable info. That's major time added to the clock.

5. Time spent in Canada: A lot of Outland applicants have either never been to Canada or came only as visitors. My husband was able to come on an IEC visa. As a result, he already had many things Canadian citizens and PRs have, including but not limited to a SIN number, NOA, Canadian bank accounts, etc. As a result, when it comes to background and security checks, the Canadian government already had a plethora of info on my husband before even having to look outside their own borders. (And at all times he behaved himself and abided by Canadian laws and the terms of his visa.) Time shaved off the clock.

5. Children & Dependants: We have no children or dependants. Right from the get-go that's less paperwork and less information IRCC had to verify. That's time off the clock.

6. Previous relationships: My husband and I are each other's only spouse or common law partner ever. Again, more paperwork that we could throw right to the garbage. The more relationships, the more they need to verify. That's time on the clock.

6. Visa Refusals: My husband and I have never been refused a visa or entry to another country or ever overstayed our welcome. While this does not prevent an applicant from receiving an eventual COPR, it's still more they have to verify and assess. Time on the clock. (My husband always left Canada as a visitor when he was supposed to and did not violate the terms of his IEC Visa at any point and went back to NZ four days before expiration. I accompanied him then to visit his family.)

7. Proof of relationship: We had solid, consistent, hard evidence. We did not supply more than what they asked for in the application. Quality and consistency over quantity. We did not at any point contradict ourselves in our application from front to back.

8. Biometrics and Medical: My husband had them done ASAP as soon as he received the notices. This is entirely in your control. The longer you wait the more time on the clock for them to process.

8. A little luck: We were pre-covid, PPR was processed the same day it arrived in Sydney, Australia, etc, etc. Pure luck.

If you consider all of these combined, it paints a clear picture as to how an application can be processed in three months. I stress 'processed in three months.' It took us 8 years to plan my husband's eventual sponsorship to Canada. Eight years to plan and put together a rock solid application, and our reward for 6 years of being over 13 000km apart was an application processed in 109 days.

So yes, it wasn't so quick after all.


Hero Member
Dec 3, 2014
There are two other posts in this particular thread from further back that I also want to address as they are entirely unnecessary and irrelevant. (This Feb 2020 thread in particular is riddled with misinformation and unnecessary hostility)

This is the first one. This is exactly the type of thinking that causes resentment towards refugees and protected persons. There is no denying that background and security checks are one of the longest parts of a spousal application to verify, but it’s not the only one. This is particularly true if the PA is not from the USA, the British Commonwealth, and certain other European and/or visa exempt countries due to the fact that Canada has easier access to shared information and that information is accurate and reliable.

That being said, proving the genuineness of a relationship can also take a while. And in some cases a long while of back and forth between you and IRCC if you have not satisfied them that your relationship is genuine. A refugee, Syrian or otherwise, does not have to prove anything about a relationship in the same regard as that is not their main reason for coming to Canada. They are coming to Canada to escape death in war torn countries where the possibility of being blown to pieces in their own homes simply for being an innocent civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time is a reality. Naturally, processing times need to be quick in order to save lives and are priority.

While you may be suffering anxiety, financial troubles, etc from being separated from your spouse, you’re not going to drop dead because of it. Your life isn’t at risk because you can’t see your spouse. Coming to Canada is not a right, it’s a privilege, and when it comes to spousal applications the only reason Canada is allowing you the opportunity to come here is because your sponsor has informed them they’re in love with you, and you as the PA genuinely return the sentiment. If you can prove that relationship is legitimate then Canada will grant you the right to build a life together in Canada, since as the PA your sole reason for coming here is and should be because of your spouse. Many people who are granted permanent residence status via spousal sponsorship would not have qualified on their own and are only granted PR because of their spouses.

Yes, processing times suck. Yes, it’s tough being away from your spouse. My spouse and I lived on opposite sides of the world for years before he received his COPR. Not once did I feel the need to have a go at people escaping war and death to save their families. My husband was perfectly safe in New Zealand and came to Canada for me and because of me, and he fully understands the privilege he was granted by the Canadian government when after background checks and scrutiny of our marriage, they determined that they could in good faith grant him permanent residency.

Covid 19 is the reality and it will bog the system down. That can’t be avoided. Marriage fraud in Canada is also a huge issue and the very reason we need to go through this long process in the first place. Refugees are not the problem and it’s an entirely different process than spousal applications. I would suggest channeling your frustrations somewhere more productive.
Thank you for putting so much effort to frame the information, how refugee sponsorship is different from family sponsorship. I am not against any immigration stream, as I started my journey in Canada using one of them. My concern is if they can bring 25000 in 100 days, during hostile situations in some war-torn countries, why can't they process the outland spousal application on this pace as every country is facing a COVID-19 war, or at least grant a visitor (TRV) to the spouses living in visa-required countries (remember they are immediate family members of a Citizen/PR, where AS refugees are not). COVID-19 has built a huge backlog for IRCC, they can take their time to process applications, but while they are processing that, at least they should put some measure to reunite Spouses to their loved ones in Canada.

Thank you for mentioning your situation and you are lucky that your husband can get eTA to fly to a Canada (costs of an eTA CAN$7). Here is mine, and I believe it represents the majority of Outland Applicants (https://www.immigration.ca/canada-to-spend-148m-on-boosting-intake-of-international-students-from-different-countries), My spouse is from India, and she's living a perfectly fine and healthy life. and working full-time. We got married last year after being in a long-distance relationship for years. I applied for her Visitor Visa (for Visa required countries (Cost CAN$100)) before marriage and after marriage, after Trudeau's announcement, I believe many did (https://www.cicnews.com/2020/06/trudeau-families-can-cross-canada-u-s-border-tomorrow-0614599.html#gs.fffzes), but both times got rejected, even after showing $50,000 in our accounts as a liquid from 6 months of statements, she holds Officer rank 1 job and I am an essential worker. I got a letter from my employer, to support the Visitor Visa application as well.

The application was put on hold, however, our application was qualified to apply under the immediate family member category and got the following response, even after following a complete set of instructions and providing evidence:

"Based on our assessment of your recent enquiry, we cannot process your request as you have not provided sufficient evidence that you meet an exemption criterion and/or that your travel to Canada is non-discretionary, per the travel restrictions implemented to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19) in Canada.
Even though you do not meet an exemption criterion and/or your travel has not been deemed non-discretionary, your application will now be put on hold until after the travel restriction pause has been lifted."

When they started the process under regular applications the application got refused in One day. This is what happened to most of the applicants who applied after Trudeau's announcement on June 8th, 2020.

With one of the easiest and simplest studies permit requirement and getting PR after that, I have been through this channel myself and secured my PR in 4 years(study+work+PR application process) now a Citizen, I do not think Canda is not a major country that is facing Marriage frauds like as UK and USA face.

As I've said earlier, I am not against any immigration stream, but if Ottawa can come up with all the measures for Students, Inland spousal applications, Refugees, then why Outland spousal applications left in dark.

For your reference, if you have missed all this:

Open work permit pilot program extended for spouse or common-law partner in Canada class (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/open-work-permit-pilot-extended-2020.html)

Important new measures on post-graduation work permit eligibility for students beginning programs online (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/pgwp-eligibility-measures.html)

Pathway to permanent residency recognizes exceptional service of asylum claimants on front lines of COVID-19 pandemic (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2020/08/pathway-to-permanent-residency-recognizes-exceptional-service-of-asylum-claimants-on-front-lines-of-covid-19-pandemic.html)

I want to bring all this to official attention, and I'm trying this day and night to change this for outland applications, so that, this can be productive to future candidates like us, who wish to bring their loved once here. It is Canadian Citizen/PR taxpayer rights, not a privilege, everything should come after County's own Citizens and PR. Hopefully, you can place yourself in our shoes and understand what we are going through.


Champion Member
Jun 19, 2020
I want to bring all this to official attention, and I'm trying this day and night to change this for outland applications, so that, this can be productive to future candidates like us, who wish to bring their loved once here. It is Canadian Citizen/PR taxpayer rights, not a privilege, everything should come after County's own Citizens and PR. Hopefully, you can place yourself in our shoes and understand what we are going through.
Totally agree with all you said.
Canadian citizenship may be a privilege for people who have no ties to Canada, but it certainly is a Canadian citizen's RIGHT to marry and sponsor a person from anywhere in the world.
Also what happened to you with the TRV is a complete fiasco in my opinion and totally unjust and there are no words to describe this ircc BS. Clearly you have more than met the criteria for a TRV. This visa system is just like going to a Casino that blatantly rigs its roulette tables to make winning impossible...no matter how many spins and bets you make you're always a loser at the discretion of the house.
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Hero Member
Dec 3, 2014
Totally agree with all you said.
Canadian citizenship may be a privilege for people who have no ties to Canada, but it certainly is a Canadian citizen's RIGHT to marry and sponsor a person from anywhere in the world.
Also what happened to you with the TRV is a complete fiasco in my opinion and totally unjust and there are no words to describe this ircc BS. Clearly you have more than met the criteria for a TRV. This visa system is just like going to a Casino that blatantly rigs its roulette tables to make winning impossible...no matter how many spins and bets you make you're always a loser at the discretion of the house.
Most of TRV's gets rejected if an applicant belongs to a visa required country and has no travel history from countries like UK, USA, etc. which is completely BS. Most of outland sponsorship applicants, who tries to apply for TRV's while their application is in process, gets rejected on Dual intent. (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/dual-intent-applicants.html).

Most of these online applications are handled by automation (I'm a programmer and works for them, I can go on this) and lacks human compassion as a result, the application gets refused. There are so many folks who mentioned the same. Application getting rejected in less than a day, one Comment form the form. this Person applied in the evening and got the result in the morning with a sympathy letter, We apologies to inform you that, your application has been refused, pure nonsense.

To people wondering, how this is possible that you get a rejection letter before even giving Biometrics, for you. Biometrics given under spousal PR application is considerable and they do not have to go for it again, but vice versa is not true.

Canada has spent hundreds of millions to bring and attract students from different countries, as we have become an essential part of Canada's growth, but they forgot to put the measure to help the same students (the majority came here in their early age and usually gets married to the person from their own county) to bring their loved ones.


Champion Member
Jun 19, 2020
Most of TRV's gets rejected if an applicant belongs to a visa required country and has no travel history from countries like UK, USA, etc. which is completely BS. Most of outland sponsorship applicants, who tries to apply for TRV's while their application is in process, gets rejected on Dual intent. (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/dual-intent-applicants.html).

Most of these online applications are handled by automation (I'm a programmer and works for them, I can go on this) and lacks human compassion as a result, the application gets refused. There are so many folks who mentioned the same. Application getting rejected in less than a day, one Comment form the form. this Person applied in the evening and got the result in the morning with a sympathy letter, We apologies to inform you that, your application has been refused, pure nonsense.

To people wondering, how this is possible that you get a rejection letter before even giving Biometrics, for you. Biometrics given under spousal PR application is considerable and they do not have to go for it again, but vice versa is not true.

Canada has spent hundreds of millions to bring and attract students from different countries, as we have become an essential part of Canada's growth, but they forgot to put the measure to help the same students (the majority came here in their early age and usually gets married to the person from their own county) to bring their loved ones.
yep, its a big shame and disgrace for Canada


Star Member
Mar 14, 2020
hello Friends,

After this long, In my ecas, In process was changed to Decision made, what will that be? I haven't received any email regarding my Sponsorship Approval, but my wife in India received Biometric request. My question, will there be medical request together or are they asking in different email?? if so, when could she expect?? coz she wanted to plan it together. Please clarify me..many thanks!
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Star Member
Aug 23, 2020
hello Friends,

After this long, In my ecas, In process was changed to Decision made, what will that be? I haven't received any email regarding my Sponsorship Approval, but my wife in India received Biometric request. M question, will there be medical request together or are they asking in different email?? coz she wanted to plan it together. Please clarify me..many thanks!
Same here, got the same info as you. Medical comes a little bit later, a couple of days or a week or so... when did IRCC receive your application?


Star Member
Mar 14, 2020
Same here, got the same info as you. Medical comes a little bit later, a couple of days or a week or so... when did IRCC receive your application?
Hi buddy, Congrats.
File received - Feb 14, 2020
AOR - Feb 25, 2020
NOW Biometric email - Sep 04, 2020 (letter says, it need to be completed by December 04, 2020)
Please share your file movements as it goes...


Hero Member
Dec 3, 2014
hello Friends,

After this long, In my ecas, In process was changed to Decision made, what will that be? I haven't received any email regarding my Sponsorship Approval, but my wife in India received Biometric request. My question, will there be medical request together or are they asking in different email?? if so, when could she expect?? coz she wanted to plan it together. Please clarify me..many thanks!
Congratulations, on SA approval. I guess she will get a medical request in the coming week if not received already.


Star Member
Aug 23, 2020
Hi buddy, Congrats.
File received - Feb 14, 2020
AOR - Feb 25, 2020
NOW Biometric email - Sep 04, 2020 (letter says, it need to be completed by December 04, 2020)
Please share your file movements as it goes...
Thanks you too! And will share for sure! Got the email same day as you. Just out of curiosity, did you get a letter by email telling you you've been approved as a sponsor? I haven't yet, I just see "decision made". But then again I guess that's because they processed my file late on Friday afternoon. Might get it on Tuesday since Monday is a day off...


Star Member
Mar 14, 2020
Congratulations, on SA approval. I guess she will get a medical request in the coming week if not received already.
Many thanks buddy. Looking forward for Medical Request email. We are gonna wait and see for another week. Hope all waiting members gets good news soon!
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Star Member
Mar 14, 2020
Thanks you too! And will share for sure! Got the email same day as you. Just out of curiosity, did you get a letter by email telling you you've been approved as a sponsor? I haven't yet, I just see "decision made". But then again I guess that's because they processed my file late on Friday afternoon. Might get it on Tuesday since Monday is a day off...
Yes, same here. In my ecas, under Sponsor Application, In Process was changed to Decision Made. Under PR application it is still In process. But I don't receive any email regarding Sponsor approval letter. There was no any additional line added when clicked on Decision made.


Star Member
Aug 23, 2020
Yes, same here. In my ecas, under Sponsor Application, In Process was changed to Decision Made. Under PR application it is still In process. But I don't receive any email regarding Sponsor approval letter. There was no any additional line added when clicked on Decision made.
Haha exactly same as me!
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Champion Member
Jun 19, 2020
Yes, same here. In my ecas, under Sponsor Application, In Process was changed to Decision Made. Under PR application it is still In process. But I don't receive any email regarding Sponsor approval letter. There was no any additional line added when clicked on Decision made.
Relax, the email comes a few days later.
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