Even if God pity you, that VO has to feel the same for you. With out him feeling it, I think even God is helpless. I wish I could be a visa officer for a day to feel having so much power over someone else's life.Nope. I am waiting for my GCMS notes due on September 16th. Actually, I am not even waiting for them coz I know for sure they will show exactly what they did last time, NOTHING. I have reached a point, I read posts on this forum, feel happy and (jealous) for the ones who leave us, laugh at myself and continue my day..
I don’t even check my profile for any ghost updates as even they don’t mean anything until one fine day, that golden morning when god will pity me and make them send the golden email
If I knew my immigration officer personally I would have asked him to watch spiderman, so that he might understand with great power comes great responsibility.