Let's make you feel better, I understand you so much
So I'm sponsored as conjugal partner, which means we're not married and we can't leave together as common law since we're at 8500km appart. So by the time they will send a PPR for your application, after sorting this problem, I will still be waiting since my case is not easy and straight forward, i'm facing an interview at a visa office very aware of and used to immigration fraud. And it's possible that they will reject it and we'll have to wait for an appeal.
And I won't know anything for about 6-7 months. I'm at 14 days and the stress is killing me, I'm hoping to get used to it and I'm trying not to get my hopes too up. I cry somewhere between 1-5 days a day. The waiting game is a "beach"

) Fear makes it double. And because of all this I'm constantly cranky, I isolated from friends in the past year because I can't concentrate on what they are talking and I don't care about any other subject except being with the one I love and need.
I sometimes worry this changed me so much, I won't be able to get back on track once everything will be over.
Again, chin up! This is the last trial and in the end, everything will be right.
Good luck! I feel for you, when I log on the forum I'm looking for updates from you