AshesNdust said:
If you don't ming sharing, what number did you call to get the status of your report? Thanks!
CJIS's number is 304-625-5590
zibi762 said:
Not to be completely obtuse, but I'm thoroughly confused. It looks like the FBI-channelers link to the same fingerprint card as the FBI - but the FBI certainly must accept fingerprints that were taken abroad, right? I mean, they have law enforcement agencies in Germany as well. Or is it just that the channelers do not accept fingerprint cards taken outside of the US, even if they comply with the FBI fingerprint card? I don't want to send fingerprints to the FBI only to wait weeks and weeks and find out they were rejected :S
To help you avoid having your prints rejected, the FBI advised my husband send in 4-5 print cards.... INSANE! But that is the advice I would pass on to you. Good luck, that queue is long and growing every few weeks.
RajaJi said:
Channelers accept applications from US Citizens or Legal Permament Residents in USA only. Most FBI Approved Channelers will provide the results online only, which can be downloaded/printed. Self printed results may not be acceptable by CIC.
FBI does accept fingerprints taken abroad as long as they are per specifications and on FBI fingerprint Card (which can be printed on a standard white paper stock). Read the instructions on FBI website. Links are posted below:
So interestingly enough Raj, I called CJIS back to discuss the outcome of the rejected prints. I wanted to learn if we were going to get the card back with an explanation of why the prints were rejected. While I had them on the phone I asked a ton of questions. They have clearly stated that the reports are no longer printed on tamper proof paper, they are printed on plain white paper. They are trying to change the way reports are ordered, and their choice would be through a channeler, instead of direct submission.
Also, the prints the channelers receive or take are sent STRAIGHT to the FBI. In the case of my husband, we have to send in print cards, the channeler will scan the cards and off the scans will go to the FBI. The FBI processes all the prints which are electronically received from the channelers and issues "your" report back to the channeler to provide us clients. It appears the channelers get first line of business and service from CJIS.
The man, Eddie, discussed with me with, after I asked how clients needing these reports to immigrate could easily manipulate a PDF file in their favor. I pointed out how few channelers will mail the report on tamper proof paper. Since we're mailing our reports off to immigration, he highly advised using a channeler that does provide the tamper proof report.
Hope this helps to shed a little light on what is going on with FBI CJIS. Now, CIC needs to get their police report page cleaned up, with more clarification on the requirements from channelers. I just hope if we all mail in the tamper proof reports, they won't require an apostille, which will be a new pain in the arse! Some states take months to do an apostille.