Hi Lawerence
(1) Yes, you (& spouse) have to apply for medicals again. The present medical may be valid .... but it was for student visa ..... I am not aware, but CIO may have a regulation that medical reports should not be older than 3/6 months..

Moreover, by the time everything settles down, it will be April 2011.... so you need to have medicals again!!
(2) Till now, no one has got any communication / reference # for their application. They are only aware of the receipt of their application (by CIO) & en-cashment (for few lucky ones!!!!). So we all are in Que!!!
(3) I don't think you have to come back to India for any reason ...... it again depends on the outcome of your application (like if interview is required) .... But you have to get PCC from India .... to be submitted at a later stage. Remember .... medicals will also be there!!
Positive reply for ND applicants after 27 Sept....?????? - It is confirmed that CIO has received their applications.... through courier tracking ....

;D 8)
(5) There is a possibility that their email may go to spam .... better to add them in
contact list.
(6) I didn't get this - '
If we get the original documents .................. to furhter process for VO New Delhi?'
Don't worry..... your situation is not at all different... you are with us. In case you get any response, please let us know. All the Best.
Cheers, Anil