Hello @pvatsal67
I do not have all the knolwdge on this but somwhat i know which might help you..
If you are taking Graduate certificate course (which are usually one year program) then you will get one year visa and one year work permit. Most of the college in Canada will take you for one year program and then after your completion of one sem you need to extend your 2nd year from there (that is when you will be in canada) you can opt some other related graduate certificate course and continue your 2nd year of studies. After this you will apply for your extention of student visa. and if you are lucky after 2 years you will get 3 years of work permit on the basis on this.
I will still advice to consult some expert on this. As far i know you can go for second year of studies while you are already on one year study.
hope it helped...
pvatsal67 said:
I m planning to apply in practical elements of mechanical engineering pgd bt I hve one query that it is one year course can I choose 2 one year pgd courses