Can I apply for express entry showing part time work experience as a administration assistant during my masters degree. I returned from Canada after study permit recently, I got clb 9 the only thing I lack is job experience because I went to Canada dirctly after my masters and I have no full time experience, however I can show a part time experience for 3 or more years as a administrative assistant during my masters. I had no field job experience in Canada as I worked in restaurant as a server, when I was on study permit. Where can I score points to be eligible for express entry.
Level of education-128
Study in Canada-15
Official language-136
Official language proficiency and education-50
Grand total- 439
I just need 15 more points so I was wondering if I can show my part time experience while I was studying.wkat are the ways I can get additional points
Level of education-128
Study in Canada-15
Official language-136
Official language proficiency and education-50
Grand total- 439
I just need 15 more points so I was wondering if I can show my part time experience while I was studying.wkat are the ways I can get additional points