Hi TanakaM. Thanks for the reply. I intend to claiming points for the time up to the study only, as it the correct way of counting the work experience. Anyways the total work experience (including other companies) I have is more than 6 years.
But my question is-
1. For Number of years of skilled foreign works experience, I have calculated only the time I was actually working for the company. So this I believe will be considered for calculating CRS points.
2. When I fill in the details on the Express Entry Profile under Work History :
For Working Till Date and Month, what should I put? Is this "From and To date" used to calculate the number of years worked for the company or is it just for records?
If I put the date (17th June 2012) which is a day before my Leave started how will I justify it. In my experience letter they have mentioned that
He was working as full time employee from 2009- 2014. At the time of leaving he was on leave from 18th June 2012- 13th March 2014.
So basically the date- 17th June 2012 is not mentioned anywhere in the letter from employer. Will it be considered as misrepresentation of facts.
Another option I have is to put the date mentioned in the experience letter(2014). I can take this option only if the system doesn't use this to add my work experience years. Anyways my total actual work experience is more than 6 years. So it won't affect my CRS point I can provide a LOE with this explaining my situation.
Please suggest which is the best way to go about this.
This is a tricky one. I would claim points for the time upto the study leave (2009-2012). Its safer.