My Wife has completed her bachelors in 2013.
When I created EE Profile, I said "No Education" on her part, as there was no ECA for her Bachelors and I was not claiming points.
Now, I got an ITA, and While filling her personal history I will have to mention her Bachelors Degree.
My Question:
Do I update her Education Section to Say that She has a Bachelors and No ECA or , Just add her bachelors to Personal history only!!
I am confused. Please Help!
When I created EE Profile, I said "No Education" on her part, as there was no ECA for her Bachelors and I was not claiming points.
Now, I got an ITA, and While filling her personal history I will have to mention her Bachelors Degree.
My Question:
Do I update her Education Section to Say that She has a Bachelors and No ECA or , Just add her bachelors to Personal history only!!
I am confused. Please Help!