This post, I believe would clear some confusion about 2 or more degrees.
Yes, you CAN choose 2 or more degrees. I'd like to explain this a bit because there is a LOT of confusion surrounding this.
This is what is mentioned on the CIC site -
here's the link -
People have completely missed to notice the "
PLUS any of the results in the sections below (not including secondary/high school)" clause. See, what that sentence means is - If you have 2 credentials AND one of them is at least 3 years long, then you could choose 2 or more degrees if the second credential is ANYTHING THAT IS AVAILABLE BELOW THIS SECTION (which includes all the below -
>> Bachelor’s degree or other programs (three or more years) at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute
>> Two-year degree, diploma or certificate from a program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute
>> One-year degree, diploma or certificate from a program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute
The any one from the list that is provided under the "2 or more degrees section" -
Post-Bachelor's Certificate
Post-undergraduate certificate
Post-Bachelor's Diploma
Post-undergraduate diploma
Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate with a focus in [area of concentration]
Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma with a focus in [area of concentration]
Graduate diploma
two-year Postgraduate Diploma, specializing in [name of discipline]
two-year Bachelor’s after degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
one-year Postgraduate Certificate in [name of discipline]
one-year of graduate study with a focus in [area of concentration]
Study Toward a Master's Degree
In conclusion, as long as you have a 3 year degree AND your second degree/diploma has been evaluated to any of the following, you CAN choose 2 or more degrees.
College Diploma (three years)
Diploma (three years)
Three-year diploma in [name of discipline]
Three-year advanced diploma
Bachelor's Degree
Applied Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's degree (three years)
Three-year Bachelor's degree, specializing in [name of discipline]
Three-year Bachelor degree
Bachelor's degree (four years)
Four-year Bachelor's degree, specializing in [name of discipline]
Four-year Bachelor degree
Three-year post-secondary Diploma with a focus in [area of concentration]
Bachelor’s degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
Applied Bachelor’s degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
Bachelor of Technology degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
Three-year Bachelor’s degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
Four-year Bachelor’s degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
College Diploma
College Diploma (two years)
Diploma (two years)
Two-year diploma
Two-year diploma in [name of discipline]
Secondary school diploma and diploma (two years)
Associate Degree
Associate of [Arts/Science] degree
Post-secondary Diploma with a focus in [area of concentration]
Two-year post-secondary Diploma with a focus in [area of concentration]
Two-year associate degree
College Certificate
Completion of College-level certificate
University Certificate
University Diploma
One-year certificate in [name of discipline]
Post-secondary certificate with a focus in [area of concentration]
One-year Post-secondary certificate with a focus in [area of concentration]
One-year certificate
Post-Bachelor's Certificate
Post-undergraduate certificate
Post-Bachelor's Diploma
Post-undergraduate diploma
Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate with a focus in [area of concentration]
Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma with a focus in [area of concentration]
Graduate diploma
two-year Postgraduate Diploma, specializing in [name of discipline]
two-year Bachelor’s after degree with a focus in [area of concentration]
one-year Postgraduate Certificate in [name of discipline]
one-year of graduate study with a focus in [area of concentration]
Study Toward a Master's Degree
I was scrutinizing this a few minutes back and that
PLUS any of the results in the sections below (not including secondary/high school) caught my attention and it made all the difference.
Please share this post to people who have doubts about choosing 2 or more degrees when they have 2 credentials that has both been evaluated to Bachelor's degree.