I would like to apply for Express Entry.

Total points : 70:
Can some guide me what should I DO?
Hello Dell Congrats that you have done your ECA and IELTS. now you should create Express entry profile and submit your all document after successfully create your EE Profile you will received Reference Number which you will need for Job Bank Account.
Need one information from you. how did you pay fees for WES ?
I Have created WES Account tried to pay online for WES. I Have only VISA Card associate with my ATM Card. i am little confuse may i able to pay the fees with VISA Card? because the payment option are only on WES , Credit card, cheque and western Union.
Please guide me, can i process my payment if i tick on Credit card option possible to pay by VISA Card. i havn't yet use my Card for any online transaction.
Plz.. advise. thank you.