jimmysong said:
thanks for the help, i did the E-appeal for criminal record today, so how many days they will send me the acknowledge slip?? did you do the same things? and Singapore requires a fingerprint, can i send that hardcopy of Canada criminal record(with fingerprint on it)to them??? thanks for your help, friend
the e-appeal decision comes (if it is accepted or rejected) about 3-5 business days after your submission. then once it is accepted, you can do the official COC online application and send the full application by courier/post mail with all the necessary docs (including the fingerprints)
for my fingerprints, I went to the Singapore embassy (in France coz I currently live in France) to do them because only them were willing to do the fingerprints and also I did the fingerprints on a specific form that Singapore embassy provided. im not sure whether we can do the fingerprints on any miscellaneous form but I suggest that you get the specific Singaporian form for that (to avoid any bad surprise and potential rejection by SPF and thus waste more time ...) or at least to contact SPF to clarify this matter (but be careful, sometimes SPF's replies are very slow ... they even replied to me more than 1 month after my information request ...)
and if your are not in Singapore anymore, the best is to ask a relative or friend to collect it on your behalf because otherwise SPF will send the PCC/COC by normal post mail and it can take even more time to reach you (fyi, u just need to upload in the CIC website a scan copy of your COC. the originals could still be in Singapore but you have already uploaded the necessary document on the CIC website

for that, u just need to thick the box "proxy" and give the full name and ID details (passport number etc ...) when applying for your COC once the e-appeal is approved but you will need to provide a letter of authorization to your relative or friend (for him/her to collect on your behalf)
fyi, i do no longer live in Singapore so I asked a friend still living there => i sent her all the necessary documents (including the requested docs by SPF + fingerprints + the letter of authorization to collect on my behalf) by DHL then my friend post mailed the necessary docs to SPF and then once the COC was ready, she just needed to bring along her ID (passport or whatever ID you mentioned in your application) and the letter of authorization to collect it. and finally she sent me by scan email and I straight away uploaded it in my CIC account
in total, the process took me about 3-4 weeks but from the time SPF received my docs by post mail and the time that my COC was ready, there was approx. 1 week (but not sure if this could be considered as a standard timeline ...)
i hope these details will help you in your application.
good luck