Hi, thanks for the reply guys. The reason I'm concerned is because there seems to be a current trend of medicals being passed based on date of AOR. Most feb applicants with AOR close to mine have gotten medicals passed a while back. In fact PNP outland candidates from feb 20 and up are already getting their medicals passed status...g126 said:Medicals are taking longer now, probably a reflection of the high number of ITAs.
I wouldn't worry about it, but if you want give you doctor a call and ask him if he's already submitted everything and if everything is OK.
Another thing that worried me is the unusual status update, since most people go straight from not needed to passed. Very few get this "We are reviewing the results of your medical exams" message, and when they do, it`s usually followed by an additional doc or additional exams request. It's really mind boggling!
I guess there's really not that much I can do, but keep waiting... Do you all think it's too soon to order GCMS notes? My background status changed from N/A to not started on the same day my medical status changed.
Thanks again!